Helping Today Helping Tomorrow

We Need Donations

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei.

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About Finn


On April 8th, my son, Finn Wardman born 2002 in Bermuda died in tragic accident in St Legier, Switzerland.

Finn was a proud Bermudian who had travelled all over the world, and was attending his second year at Durham University in northern England. Finn was passionate about adventure and travel, while also being a serious student. He was studying business administration and was on track to complete his studies with a first. He had planned to do a gap year after finishing his degree. He was also planning to study a year abroad in Madrid, Spain, and take all native speaking Spanish language business courses. He had been accepted into this program weeks before his death.


It is not always about
the classroom

Donate Now and CHANGE the Lives of Children in Need

The Finn Wardman World Explorer Student Grants is a proud part of the Bermuda Community Foundation. You can make a US tax free donation and know that your donation is going directly to a student grant. 


About the FUND

We are an endowment fund located in Bermuda, with partners like Costa Verde International School in Mexico, Bermuda Scholarships, and cooperation with corporate entities in Bermuda, as well as other yet to be named education centres.  We help students that want, but can’t afford to travel outside of their home communities for adventure, sports or to learn a trade or skill.

What are the World Explorer Student Grants all about?

Explore the World, Expand Your Horizons

The World Explorer Student Grants are aimed towards the transformative power of travel and adventure. Our program will be designed to offer young individuals a unique opportunity to explore the world, pushing the boundaries of their comfort zones and fostering a spirit of discovery.

Experiential Learning Beyond Classroom Walls

Our bursary fund will not be just about visiting new places; they are about immersive, experiential learning. Participants will engage in activities that challenge them intellectually and emotionally, ensuring a learning experience that extends far beyond the traditional classroom environment.

Volunteering and Community Building: Making a Difference

We are committed to fostering a sense of global citizenship. Our scholars will have the opportunity to volunteer in diverse communities, contributing to meaningful projects that make a real difference. This hands-on involvement allows for personal growth while positively impacting the lives of others. We are teaming up with new partners to help curate a guided experience.

Leadership Training for Tomorrow’s Changemakers

Our program will emphasises leadership training, equipping our young adults with the skills necessary to lead, inspire, and make impactful changes in their communities and beyond. Through various workshops and real-world challenges, participants will develop the confidence and competence to emerge as future leaders.

Cultural Immersion: A Gateway to Global Understanding

A core component of our scholarship will be experiencing and understanding different cultures. Participants will immerse themselves in new environments, learning from local traditions, languages, and lifestyles. This cultural exchange is vital in fostering global understanding and empathy.

Join Us in This Life-Changing Adventure

The Finn Wardman World Explorer Student Grant is more than a scholarship; it’s a journey towards personal and professional growth. It’s an adventure that combines travel, experiential learning, community service, leadership development, and cultural exchange to create a well-rounded, transformative experience. Where children that couldn’t ordinarily have a life changing opportunity, we make those dreams happen. 


We want to change people’s lives, one student at a time, in perpetuity.

Just as the training to run a 100 mile ultra marathon starts with a single step, this ambitious scholarship program needs your help to start changing the life of a student in Finn’s loving memory.  Donate anything that you can.

partners Logos

The advisors

Of the Finn Fund

Have Any Question

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Have Questions

Frequently Asked Questions.

Anyone is eligible to apply, but the selection council on the fund will select the best fitting candidate based on their interview and application. The criteria for the best candidate are those that have thought their potential year abroad to enhance their studies, take time to learn about other cultures, and whether or not they have a solid plan to subsidise their own travels. If you’re not sure, go ahead and apply! We look forward to evaluating your application. 

Yes, it is. This endowment fund is located inside of the Bermuda Community Foundation, which is a registered Bermudian charity. When you make a donation it will go into the Finn Wardman World Explorer Fund account, which we set a portion aside to be permanently endowed and a portion for bursary grants. Your donation is 100% safe and we are even looking to post all of our transactions openly in our blog. 

Yes, you can do that. We understand that students will want to give to this cause, and $100 is too much for them. You can give to our gofundme account and we will wire the donations in once a month. 

Yes, you can. You can navigate to the site, and select the make a donation option and navigate down to the Finn Wardman World Explorer Fund. This will provide all the instructions on how to declare this as a tax free donation for US tax payers.  We have the links to donate here which you can copy and paste. 

We are building a unique educational experience for students that want to spend a time abroad, before, during or after their educational studies. The idea is to create this once in a lifetime opportunity for one child to explore the world, learn about other cultures, apply for athletic considerations that are beyond them financially, or receive technical training. The student grants are bespoke packages that can be as creative as their applicants choose to be.

We would love to have help doing this. It’s a huge effort. If you are interested in doing more, reach out to the founders by using the contact us button or send an email to 

That’s a great question, and we are already thinking about our next fund raising adventure. Chase and I have already agreed that it probably won’t involve running. Some of the ideas that we have are to do a long and challenging paddle boarding, a multi-disciplinary trip or event, biking somewhere, there are a lot of ideas on things to do. Send us your ideas if you hear of anything, and if you want to get involved reach out to us on our contact us page.